High quality electrochemical cells and systems

Electrochemical Flow Cells
From lab, pilot to production – ElectroCell is the “One-Stop-Shopping-Place”
The ElectroCell range of modular membrane cells has a backing of over 30 years experience in research and development in the electrochemical field. From lab, pilot to production:
Besides the versatile Micro Flow Cell – Also expertly designed and engineered flow cells are available for applications including chlor/alkali and synthesis of a wide range of inorganic and organic chemicals. These modular membrane cells with injection moulded flow frames have found application world-wide! Start with a laboratory unit as small as 0.01 m2 (Electro MP Cell) or 0.04 m2 (Electro Syn Cell) and expand to a pilot scale module, and then to the production plant size by adding on modules, or installing the Electro Prod Cell, especially designed for production. Electrodes can be of DSA®, Pt on Ti, PbO2 on Ti, graphite and many others. Further advantages; leakproof, uniform hydrodynamics and current distribution, and narrow inter-electrode gap.
Micro Flow Cell
Electrode area 0.001 m²
Designed for lab evaluations and screening tests of electrodes/membranes

Electro MP Cell Electrode
Electrode area 0.01-0.2 m²
A small multipurpose cell conceived for process evaluation and experimental tests on a laboratory scale.Read more

Electro Syn Cell
Electrode area 0.04-1.04 m²
A similar versatile cell design as the MP cell but also for use in pilot and small applications/productions scale.Read more

Electro Prod Cell
Electrode area 0.4-16.0 m²
This cell allows for a number of different alternatives to be achieved in production scale, including 3- and 4-compartment configuration.Read more