High quality electrochemical cells and systems

High quality electrochemical cells and systems

High quality electrochemical cells and systems

High quality electrochemical cells and systems
High quality electrochemical cells and systems
At ElectroCell we provide custom built systems and off the shelf electrochemical cells for lab, pilot plant and production scale.
Our electrochemical cells are thoroughly tested and designed to meet the demands of a wide variety of electrochemical process applications. Single compartment, 2-compartment, 3-compartment and even 4-compartment ion selective membrane electrolysis can be arranged within the same Cell design. Also gas diffusion electrodes (GDE) and 3 dimensional packed bed electrodes can be adapted.
Our staff of engineers is your guarantee of excellence, and with a company history dating back to 1984, we not only provide High Quality ElectroChemical Cells – we also back them up with a team of highly experienced experts. Take a look at our state-of-the-art Hypochlorite Generator, Chlor-O-Safe Advanced.
This website is designed to give you a brief introduction to ElectroCell. Please feel free to contact us directly by phone or E-mail, and learn more about the opportunities with our Cell equipment.