High quality electrochemical cells and systems

Electro MP Cell
Electrode area 0.01-0.2 m²
General Description
The Electro MP Cell is a small multipurpose plate-and-frame cell conceived for process evaluation and experimental tests on the laboratory scale. The effective area of each electrode is 0.01m², single-side.
By smart cell design, several alternative combinations are easily achieved (e.g. electrolytic cells, electrodialysers, combinations of these with or without gas electrodes, internal cooling or heating). The cell design allows up to four different electrolytic or gaseous flows in each cell module (more flows on request).
See also the exploded view and the various examples of Optional cell configurations illustrated in Alternatives 1-8.
For technical information and choices of materials etc., see technical data.
When developing new electrochemical processes it is of great importance to select flexible cell equipment. It should from the beginning be designed to stand up to the expected demands for the intended process. But the cell should also have provisions to cope with unexpected needs that might occur during laboratory work such as change of electrode material, cell configuration etc.
A base design with such provisions can most often also be used to evaluate a number of other processes.
These features have all been incorporated in the design of the MP Cell – A true Multi Purpose Cell.
- Versatile design. Adaptable to most conventional electrode materials and porous materials such as particles, felt and “sponge”
- Monopolar or bipolar construction
- Possibility of installing reference electrode(s)
- Electrolyte distribution possible in four different compartments
- Special spacers for electrodialysis
- Utilization of gas electrodes H2O2 fuel cells
- Numerous cell configurations possible. Option to alter electrode gap
- Minimal corrosion problems. Only plastic and electrode materials I contact with electrolyte
- Controlled and uniformed flow distribution - no stagnant zones
- Turbulent promoters providing very good mass transfer
- Electrolyte chamber and channels designed to facilitate gas escape
- Leak proof construction- environmental problems in processes involving toxic or hazardous substances reduced to a minimum
- The Electro MP Cell components are available off-the-shelf
- Excellent performance and high operating reliability have been proven by several hundreds of Electro MP Cells in operation for around 20 years.
Optional cell configurations
Assembly variations of the Electro MP Cell components permits a variety of possibilities:

Alternative 1
Conventional two-electrode membrane cell built up with two separate electrolytes. In this example only two electrolyte-distributing frames are needed: Anolyte, Catholyte.

Alternative 2
The cell in Alternative 1 extended with one electrode and one extra electrolyte- or gas- distributing frame. If for example two air electrodes are employed, the extra frame can be used to distribute air to these electrodes. If two solid conventional electrodes are employed, the extra frame can be used to distribute heating or cooling media in order to obtain a specific electrode temperature.

Alternative 3
In this example the last extra frame is used to build up the cell pitch which means that four different electrolytes or gaseous flows can be distributed into four different cell chambers in the cell. Alternative 3 can be used for example to combine the electrolysis and electrodialysis functions in one cell module. Membrane gap in range of 2-8 mm.

Alternative 4
Four compartment cell for use in electrodialysis applications. Membrane gap as in Alternative 3.

Alternative 5
Four compartment cell with combination of electrolysis and electrodialysis. Membrane gap as in Alternative 3 and 4.

Alternative 6-8
Porous three-dimensional structures:Alternatives 6-7: Two electrode membrane cell with “flow-across” pattern.Alternative 8: Two electrode membrane cell with “flow-through” pattern.